Although the German sewing machine industry seemingly continued to produce machines that were technically out of date, new developments did take place, perhaps most importantly was the introduction of the High Arm Family machine. This machine introduced in the 1890's was designed using a transverse shuttle but was intended to compete with Singer's vibrating shuttle machine - the V.S. 2. Contrary to popular belief the High Arm Family machine was not a copy of the Singer 48K as it predates the introduction of that machine by a number of years. |
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The base has an inlaid ruler typical of many machines of German origin. The frame of the accessory compartment has a notch cut out in order to take the crank. The decals are largely intact and quite beautiful, incorporating Mother of Pearl flowers. Established in 1872 by M. Gritzner the Company became incorporated in 1886. By 1902 Gritzner had produced a million machines and was Germany's largest sewing machine manufacturer. Production increased rapidly and by 1910 2 million machines had been produced. In 1897 the Company started making bicycles and then motorcycles in 1903. The Company took over Frister and Rossmann in 1925, merged with Kayser in 1931 and was finally taken over by Pfaff in 1957.
Gritzner Saxonia No. 6 H II: Serial No. 1819892.
This machine was made c1907 and was designated by the company as a High Arm Saxonia hand machine with square cover. The Company Trade Mark a spider in its web is on the pillar. This machine has an ungeared hand crank with no guards or provision for guards.
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Collier No. 3: Serial No. 2164481. ![]() |
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Faudels: Serial No. 659437.
Haid and Neu was established in 1860 in Karlsruhe but by 1868 only 2000 machines had been made. This had increased ten fold by 1872 and 1881 saw the firms 100,000th machine. By 1898 half a million machines had been made. The million was reached in 1904 and two million machines had been made by 1921. The Company survived the Second World War but in 1958 was taken over by Singer.
Imported and badged by Faudels of London who purchased sewing machines from various German manufacturers. This particular machine is believed to have been made by Haid & Neu around 1900. The machine itself has seen happier times. It has been dropped at some stage, but it has a beautiful Peacock decal which was Fauldels trade mark and Mother of Pearl inlay to the centre bed. There is a feeling of quality about this machine.
Tryer: Serial No. 1339995.
The name Tryer is just visible on the arm of this machine which was made by Hermann Köhler of Altenburg in the late 1890's. It is typical in appearance of these machines with porcelain handle and inlaid ruler incorporated into the base. The decals are in very good condition but the varnish has discoloured.
Saxonia: Serial No. 1282195. The machine itself is in poor condition with part of the japanning on the bed missing, but the decals on the arm and shoulder are still bright and we think it is a lovely machine. The case of this machine is shown on the Cases & Bases Page Dating to around 1930, the stylized roses are typical of the Art Deco style. Note the ruler inlaid in the base and the recessed hand crank, with the bobbin winder being directly driven from the gear wheel.
Fiddle base hand crank with a geared mechanism recessed into the base, possibly made by Hermann Köhler.
Harris 'S' Serial No. 1783497.
Although there is no manufacturers mark Hermann Köhler produced a V. S. machine with a virtually identical decal. This machine is labelled for W. J. Harris & Co. Ltd which was a large London distributor.
German Introduction
Room 1German
Room 2German
Room 3L.O. Dietrich
(Vesta)Frister and
Natalis & Co.Hengstenberg & Co.
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